Sunday, 2 August 2009

Warning Signs?

I have no way of knowing whether or not any other health niggles are related to my cancer or not, but I'm hoping they will fade away after treatment. I'm a lot kinder to myself now!

  • Extreme tiredness; Understandable now but before I got my diagnosis I was beating myself up over being so tired, trying to work out if I was eating badly, did I need more exercise, maybe it was just my age?

  • A sudden deterioration in my vision; After having perfect vision, I suddenly needed glasses to read, work on the pc, see the tv. Before the year was up I needed another prescription for distance and close up work. I gave up cross stitch and taught myself to knit. I put this down to age, but perhaps it's not;)

  • Joint Pain; Now this has me baffled. Some years ago I got recurring discomfort in my neck which would lead to migraine, I just wanted to take my head off because it felt so heavy! It was suggested I might have a touch of arthritis. More recently, starting earlier this year, I found my hands throbbing and then seizing up. In the morning especially, I'd feel stiff as a board and found I having a shower and gently flexing my joints would help get me moving. This is still going on. I've had blood tests for a variety of things but they have always come back clear. The pain is being treated with painkillers which help a great deal. Every time I try and cut back on them I'm ok for a day or two and then the pain kicks back in big time. I walk like John Wayne when I first get up from either bed, the sofa, any chair etc! I click and grind so loudly I can be heard approaching! Perhaps this is just down to my wild living when younger, too much falling out of trees, falling off my bike, running around and leaping over things pretending I was a colt! Maybe I should sell the Rollerblades:/

  • Cold; Despite being pretty active, (walking the dog, idle fishing, oodles of never ending chores such as house decorating to do, cycling because I can't drive, baseball pitching with the boy, trying to keep up with the garden/jungle), I often feel absolutely freezing, usually in the hands and feet. A lovely friend knitted me a pair of fluffy fingerless gloves, such things help lots. I have plans to try my own but am only a beginner, I'm good at knitted squares though!

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