Friday, 31 July 2009

Secondary Cancer

Before I can have treatment for the eye tumor, secondary cancer and other nastie's have to be eliminated. London did a chest x-ray whilst I was there and collected enough blood to fill a vampires bar I think! The nurses took a swab to check for MRSA, and I met my cancer nurse who kindly but with great strength, gave me her mobile and pager numbers with STRICT instructions to call her for anything, anytime. I entered her into my mobile under ICE, (in case of emergency contact...), just in case:/

Yesterday I went back to our 'not-so-local' remaining hospital to have a mammogram. I was extremely anxious about this, having heard some well meaning but none-the-less nerve racking tales of how much it would hurt, on top of being just plain scared of what the doctors might find!

I'm pleased to say that it didn't hurt at all and nothing more sinister than a small cyst was found in the left breast. This will need watching as a matter of caution for a few months but I'm reassured it's unlikely to develop into anything else.

Next week I'm due to return yet again, (they'll be sick of the sight of me very soon), to the same not-so-local hospital for a couple of scans, one upper body and one lower body. I'm not at all sure how that works, but will keep you posted.

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