Friday, 31 July 2009


Radioactive Plaque
I'll be having an operation to stitch a radioactive, small, metal disc directly onto my eyeball over the tumor which will keep the radiation localized to just that area.

This will stay in place for a few days and then I'll have another, quicker operation, to remove it. I can opt to have the plaque removed under a local anaesthetic but I'm afraid I won't be able to handle that, so will be opting for a general anaesthetic again!!
Once the disc is removed I should be able to return home, and, all being well, safe in the knowledge that my tumor will be loosing the battle:)

I'll be able to have visitors whilst in isolation, but not young children or pregnant friends, and visits will be timed for safety and so as not to tire the poor patient out! I'm hoping I'll be sleeping for most of my stay! Use of a Geiger counter will no doubt entertain me a lot.

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